7:30 PM19:30

Café des Arts: Historische Gärten unter Druck

Gerade während der Pandemie wurde vielen der Wert historischer Freiräume – ob Gärten oder Parkanlagen – so richtig bewusst. In ihnen stecken nicht nur (garten-) künstlerische Werte, sie bieten auch Erholung, speichern CO2 und die alten Baumriesen sind eigentliche Hotspots der Biodiversität. Doch viele historische Freiräume stehen unter Druck und stehen im Spannungsfeld von Klimawandel, Artensterben, Ausbreitung invasiver Neophyten und Eventisierung. Wie viel Schutz, Augenmass und Anpassung sind nötig?

Karin Salm diskutiert mit Achim Schefer (Abteilungsleiter Siedlungsgrün bei Stadtgrün Winterthur), Claudia Moll (Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin beim Bundesamt für Umwelt) und Toni Raymann (Landschaftsarchitekt).

Event in German.

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7:30 PM19:30

Café des Arts: Macht KI Künstler:innen überflüssig?

Wer hat wen im Griff? Die Rede ist von KI, der Künstlichen Intelligenz, die gleichermassen fasziniert und verunsichert. Egal in welcher Sparte, ihr Einfluss auf die Arbeitswelt und Forschung wird stets grösser und macht auch vor der Kunst nicht Halt. Nimmt die KI uns bald alles ab, dichtet, textet, komponiert, zeichnet, malt, fotografiert — wenn auch nicht bahnbrechender oder besser, so sicher schneller und effizienter? Führt KI zur Aufhebung der Autorenschaft, zum Tod der Kreativität, macht sie Künstlerinnen und Künstler überflüssig? Oder ist sie einfach ein geniales Hilfsmittel, das man sich zu Nutze machen kann und von der man sich nicht verbiegen soll?

Gäste: Esther Hunziker, Künstlerin, Mediengestalterin und Dozentin für digitale Medien am Institut Kunst in Basel; Johanna Müller, Künstlerin und Dozentin, Winterthur und Paris; Shusha Niederberger, Künstlerin, Forscherin und Vermittlerin zu digitaler Kunst, Winterthur

Moderation: Marlene Wenger, Kuratorin HEK (Haus der Elektronischen Künste), Basel

Eintritt frei / Kollekte

Event in German

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8:00 PM20:00

Constance DeJong, Modern Love

Theater Neumarkt and Kunsthalle Winterthur in collaboration with Kunstverein München, IMAI – Inter Media Art Institute and Kunstverein Düsseldorf. 

Constance DeJong’s writing and art is driven by a tireless process of collecting elements of linguistic and visual expression: within her performative work, she allows language and image to merge and flow into one another. For the last forty years, DeJong has worked on narrative form in the context of contemporary art and avant-garde music. Considered one of the progenitors of media art, or “time-based media,” DeJong shapes her intricate narrative form through performances, audio installations, print texts, electronic objects, and video works. This porousness already shaped her influential, long-neglected 1977 novel Modern Love, in which elements from science fiction, autofiction, and detective stories merge across disciplinary boundaries.

DeJong wrote Modern Love (1977) in the heat and heart of the New York art world of the 1970s. The narrative is at once intimate and highly constructed. Modern Love is a feverish, passionate fantasy, a personal confession and a historical document. “People told me that if you keep writing, you might eventually make a name for yourself. So I wrote: My name is Constance DeJong. My name is Fifi Corday. My name is Lady Mirabelle, Monseiur Le Prince and Roderigo, Roderigo is my favourite name.” In Modern Love, we meet all these characters, characters who live in different times and places – in Paris, New York, Delhi. We meet them in the past, then they appear in our present. 

After Silvia Federici, writer and artist Constance DeJong is the next guest in the series ‘Neumarkt gossips’ organised by Theater Neumarkt, Zurich, on this occasion in collaboration with Kunsthalle Winterthur, Kunstverein München, IMAI – Inter Media Art Institute and Kunstverein Düsseldorf. On 7 May, DeJong will read excerpts from Modern Love at Kunsthalle Winterthur. At Kunstverein München, a selection of printer matter from DeJongs personal archive alongside video recordings of performances is on display in the Kunstverein’s Archive Space. The presentation is accompanied by the performance It’s Always Night, which will take place at Kunstverein Düsseldorf on May 3 and Kunstverein München on May 5.

Constance DeJong (b. 1950, Cleveland, OH, USA) lives and works in New York. In addition to her award-winning novel Modern Love (1977), she has worked in long-term collaborations with Philip Glass and Tony Oursler, with whom she also developed the performance series Relatives (1989). Constance DeJong’s performances have been presented internationally, including at The Kitchen, New York; Artists Space, New York; and the Renaissance Society, Chicago. 

In conversation with Tine Milz & Geraldine Tedder 

Pay what you want: Tickets via Theater Neumarkt or register via

The event will be held in English.

On May 7, the current exhibition SCRIPT  MEMORY will be open from 6  8 pm

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Café des Arts and Kunsthalle LateNight: The Future is Bright in the Metaverse
7:00 PM19:00

Café des Arts and Kunsthalle LateNight: The Future is Bright in the Metaverse

With Annette Stöcker (Pro Senectute beider Basel, Project manager Metaverse, Artist), Fabian Betzing (Metyis, Technical advisor Pro Senectute), and Max Rietschel (Romantic Technology, MSc. ETH Integrated Building Systems). Presented by Annelise Schmid (Café des Arts)

Free entrance, in German. Talk starts at 7.30 pm. The exhibition of Pauline Curnier Jardin is open from 7 to 10 pm.

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Café des Arts and Kunsthalle LateNight: Book launch Valentin Magaro
7:00 PM19:00

Café des Arts and Kunsthalle LateNight: Book launch Valentin Magaro

Panel talk on occasion of Valentin Magaro’s new monography comprising works from 2003 to 2023.

With Valentin Magaro (artist) and Thomi Wolfensberger (publisher and printer), presented by Patricia Bieder

Free entrance, in German. Talk starts at 7.30 pm. The exhibition of Pauline Curnier Jardin is open from 7 to 10 pm.

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Culture Night with INDUSTRIA and DJ EMOTION
bis 24. Sept.

Culture Night with INDUSTRIA and DJ EMOTION

INDUSTRIA hosts the official aftershow party of this year’s Winterthur Culture Night at Kunsthalle Winterthur, together with DJ Emotion, founder of ‹www› (worldwideweb records).

9 pm: DJ, drinks & networking by INDUSTRIA

11 pm: Live performance by DJ EMOTION

More information about the Winterthur Culture Night:

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Café des Arts: The Curatorial Quartet
7:00 PM19:00

Café des Arts: The Curatorial Quartet

Being part of Kunsthalle Winterthur’s panel discussion series Café des Arts, The Curatorial Quartet meets once a year in order to discuss successful or failed examples of contemporary art shows. The exhbitions to be debated are: Pilvi Takala – Close Watch at Migros Museum, Kunststipendien der Stadt Zürich at Helmhaus, Akris – Mode – Selbstverständlich at Zurich Museum of Design, and Christopher Kulendran Thomas – For Real at Kunsthalle Zurich.

With Konrad Bitterli (Director Kunst Museum Winterthur), Oliver Kielmayer (Director Kunsthalle Winterthur), Sabine Schaschl (Director Haus Konstruktiv Zurich) and Nadia Schneider Willen (Collection Curator Migros Museum).

Free entrance, in German. Talk starts at 7.30 pm. Timur Si Qin’s exhibition is open until 10 pm.

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Wolken über Taiwan - Notizen aus einem bedrohten Land
7:00 PM19:00

Wolken über Taiwan - Notizen aus einem bedrohten Land

Taiwan, small in scale but a giant when it comes to the production of computer chips, has seen a fundamental social change in the last decades. Thanks to civil rights movements it has peacefully evolved from a military dictatorship into one of the most open and vibrant democracies in Asia.

Wolken über Taiwan. Notizen aus einem bedrohten Land is a collage of notes and essayistic cameos by Alice Grünfelder, Sinologist and writer. In the context of Su Yu Hsin's presentation at Kunsthalle Winterthur, she follows the phenomenon of erosion, in a geological as well as social sense.

In German. More information on

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7:00 PM19:00


Curated by Francesca Ceccherini, the IIC Istituto Italiano di Cultura of Zurich presents at the Kunsthalle Winterthur a preview of the video work Verdrängung by Francesco Bertocco (*1983, artist and filmmaker) who intersects the documentary genre with scientific research. Presented for the first time in Switzerland on 11 May 2022, with a screening and a talk that sees the participation of the artist and neuroscientist Gaia Risso (*1991, psychologist and cognitive neuroscientist), Verdrängung addresses the issue of the removal of memory as a therapeutic action.
Verdrängung was created thanks to Cantica21, an initiative that promotes Italian contemporary art abroad organized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation and the Ministry of Culture. The work becomes part of the collection of Museo d'Arte Moderna di Bologna, partner of the project.

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Cinema Is Cinema Is Cinema Is Cinema
11:00 AM11:00

Cinema Is Cinema Is Cinema Is Cinema

On occasion of their exhibition A Take on Perception at Kunsthalle Winterthur, Miriam Rutherfoord and Joke Schmidt present two showreels at cinema Cameo in Winterthur, featuring a selection of films that have played a key role in their artistic process. The show at Kunsthalle remains open until 7 pm, the two artists will be present.

Showreel 11 am: where did it go (Emilia Keller, 6 min), Constructing Spaces of Memory (Leevi Toija, 12 min), Drive (Milena Langer, 6 min), Untitled (Unreal Estate) (Jiajia Zhang, 7 min), Là-bas (Chantal Akerman, 78 min)

Showreel 7 pm: A Brief Appearance of Neon (Immanuel Esser & Matthias Sahli, 15 min), KAJA (Anna Ruthenberg, 14 min), Small Roads (James Benning, 103 min)

Tickets (regular CHF 16; AHV / students CHF 13; lunch cinema / Cameo members / Kulturlegi CHF 10) availabe at Cameo.

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Kunsthalle LateNight and Café des Arts: Winterthur and the Cloud — A new data centre in Neuhegi
7:00 PM19:00

Kunsthalle LateNight and Café des Arts: Winterthur and the Cloud — A new data centre in Neuhegi

With Stefan Fritschi (Member of the city council of Winterthur), Kaspar Geiser (CEO aspectra AG and president of the Galerieverein Winterthur), and Monika Dommann (Professor of history at Zurich University and co-author of Data Centers, Edges Of A Wired Nation), moderated by Beat Glogger (Journalist and chief editor

Free entrance, in German.

Talk starts at 7.30 pm. The exhibition A Take on Perception by Miriam Rutherfoord & Joke Schmidt is open from 7 to 10 pm.

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Café des Arts – Comic, Cartoon & Co.
7:00 PM19:00

Café des Arts – Comic, Cartoon & Co.

With Ruedi Widmer (Cartoonist), Samuel Jordi (Illustrator), Leonie Rösler (Illustrator and publisher Illustrators Against Extinctions), and Reina Gehrig (Head of literature, Pro Helvetia), moderated by Karin Salm.

Free entrance, in German.

Talk starts at 7.30 pm. The exhibition A Take on Perception by Miriam Rutherfoord & Joke Schmidt is open from 7 to 10 pm.

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