

Creativite - Individualite - Eternite

March 27 2010

Kunsthalle Winterthur starts its 30th anniversary year with a parade for contemporary art. Its motto is creativity - individuality - eternity, a triad that suggests an aesthetic equivalent to the fundamental values of democracy. Participants from all disciplines who want to express essential concerns of contemporary art or communicate cultural messages are all welcome, be they visual artists, actors, musicians and dancers, curators, collectors or art critics. A contribution to the parade can be a performative action as well as a simple cultural message on a banner. Of course any other people who are interested in contemporary art and onlookers are very welcome to join the parade on the day. The parade starts in the old town of Winterthur and will travel up to a little park, where London-based artist Tom Ellis will present one of his daylight fireworks. The way back leads to Kunsthalle, and to the opening of Ellis' show The Vacuum.

Oliver Kielmayer